Hey there!
I'm Brian Nevison. The owner of, and exclusive coach for, Ultimate Mobility. See the blurb below this one for a continuation of my story.
Every day of the week, and all year long, I train and consult with Ultimate Frisbee athletes and teams. I do my best to provide accessible education, coaching, and inspiration that empowers Ultimate athletes to improve their physical health & performance while reducing pain.
My specialties are in mobility training, pain-management, and strength/power training for athletic performance.
You can find my most updated content from my Instagram account, in my email newsletter, and my fitness blog.
My Story
Pain, injuries, and the fear of pain or injury used to define my athletic career. I've been a competitive athlete my entire life, playing football, running track, and finally finding Ultimate Frisbee. But my relentless intensity and drive led to an absurd number of injuries that constantly limited my performance and happiness.
I was an all-region player in college at Penn State, played at Club Nationals and Masters Nationals, but pain always dominated my experience. Despite being a professional coach and trainer since 2010 (helping 100s of private clients see amazing results), it took me over a decade of learning and experimentation to create a training approach that allowed me to perform my best and feel great doing it. Ultimate is simply a different animal, especially if you want to perform at a high level for the long-term.​
Now at 37 -- twenty years into my Ultimate career -- I feel more confident and free than I did at 27...or even 22! And it's no accident, this stuff WORKS. Over the last seven years I've honed my approach to help Ultimate players reduce pain, improve mobility, and become more athletic. Or at the very least, be able to express their athleticism more consistently (and enjoyably).
While I do work with select athletes and teams privately, my memberships and online programs are a huge part of my career. It is my mission to help 1000s more Ultimate athletes reach their potential for both physical performance and joy. If I can reach and help enough people that one day I'm out of a job, that's just fine by me :)
If you have any questions, feedback, or interest in working with me, please feel free to reach out via email or a DM on Instagram.